To help you locate each UK postcode, refer to the British Postcode Area Map below.
On the map, you will see the boundaries and distance between each postcode.
You can download the from the following links;
Click to enlarge the zip code map.
(British Postcode Area Map by Richardguk via Wikimedia Commons)
Further Reading for UK postcodes.
- To learn more about Zip Code In The Uk, Check out our detailed guide to Uk Postcode.
- Check out our guide to London Postcode which you can learn how the London postcode works.
- Want to learn how to write a postcode in the UK? Here is our guide to the UK postcode format.
- Download the UK Postcode Map in case you want to check the postcode in the UK offline.
- Here is a list of Area Postcodes UK if you want to check the area postcodes quickly.